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Soybean Prices 2012 Down per Kilogram in Indonesia

Written By mine on Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012 | 09.11

Soybean price in Indonesia following the soybean market in the United States. Soybean prices per July 27, 2012 has come down Rp.50, 00 per Kilogram. To add to the stock and maintain the stability of soybean prices, the government is currently awaiting from Gakoptindo (Know Tempe Association of Indonesia) Banking, and BH Investor will make a cooperation agreement with PT Sungai Budi soybean importer
In January soybean retail price only $ 5500 to $ 5600 per kilogram. But now the price has reached USD 8 thousand per kilogram.

The increase in soybean prices also induced the production of soybeans in the United States declined. In fact, Uncle Sam country is the world's largest producer of soybeans and soybean exports to Indonesia source. In addition, said Suswono, China began to buy soybeans on a large scale. As a result, the supply of soybeans in the world market thinning.

Soybean prices surged this makes crafters tempeh and tofu intend strike. "This is the problem when soybean prices are high, tempeh and tofu producers are going to scream. Because we still import 60 percent soy and 40 percent local," said Suswono.

Ministry of Agriculture in the work plan, to achieve self-sufficiency in soybeans in 2014, then production should reach 2.7 million tons. However, efforts to self-sufficiency is still constrained land issues. "Self soybeans require minimal additional 500 thousand hectares of land," he said.

Currently it is seeking to add land to be inventoried by the National Land Agency. Ministry of Agriculture and BPN agreed to meretribusi land for agricultural needs.

In the next month, it will review the BPN with which land could be distributed to farmers. However, if it was never realized, it will be applied nucleus-plasma.

Suswono also had other plans. To boost the production of soybeans, it will be done in intercropping systems. Potential planting intercropping system can be equivalent to 200 thousand hectares of land expansion. The dry season is considered appropriate to start planting soybeans.

In order not to rely on the addition of land, the Ministry of Agriculture will seek an increase in productivity of 1.3 tons per hectare to 1.54 tons per hectare. Then the seed aid, increased use of fertilizer, and control of plant pests. "In two years still allows for self-sufficiency," he said.
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